Shabbychick, I have a black knit sheath dress from Talbots I'd been planning to have altered but I don't think it's going to happen. It fit me at a size 14 and I'd be happy to send it to you if it would work for you.

When I get home I will measure the dress and we can see if it will work.

MaryK, What a kind thing to offer, that is very generous of you!! Besides the overall measurements I would need to know the length and whether or not it is high necked (near collar bones). Thank you again for thinking to do that...very sweet.

Well, it seems I can't see anyone's pictures...maybe I haven't been a member long enough yet???

I don't think that is the problem. You should be able to see pictures, I could when I started visiting here (even when you are not logged in yhou can see the pictures). By the way, body type is the section to browse if you want to compare, I didn't check the top of the page when I did my suggestion.

Shabbychick - I am really touched by your concerns and your questions - and I feel sad that Christians feel as though they have to hold back part of themselves in order to be accepted by other Christians. Your statement that you were afraid of reflecting too much of your personality into your dress because so many are watching - seems just tragic to me. You yourself say that you are a confident and out-going woman and you love big, bold, vinatagy jewelry, etc. I would encourage you to express who you are not only through your actions and your mannerisms, but also through your dress - or you are never going to be the woman that God intended for you to be.

I certainly appreciate all of the comments. Since arriving here at this church I have been nothing but 100% genuine with everyone and I intend to continue to be 100% me. Thank you for showing me that people really do care a great deal more about what is on the inside. I am overly sensitive to the feelings of others (not wanting to offend) as well as caring about having a right Christian testimony. Those personality traits are also part of who I am, and I think those are very good things to be.

SC -- just wanted to let you know I have workmen in the house for the next few days and can't get to the closet where the black sheath dress is stored, but I will get it out and measure it as soon as I can!