Has anyone read Gretchen Rubin's book Better Than Before? It's about how to change your habits, and she proposes that everyone falls into one of four types: obligers, questioners, rebels or upholders. (There's a description of the types here and you can take a quiz that places you here.) I'm an obliger with a touch of questioner.

Whether or not you buy her particular categories, I think we've all seen different people respond differently to challenges and difficulties. Some people bloom in a crisis but can't make themselves do much when things are calm; some people need to keep control no matter what; etc.

I bring this up because I'm currently participating in the Whole Life Challenge, which is an 8 week group online where you aim to eliminate junk food from your diet and exercise and meditate more. I like the small group support and the accountability.

But one of the recent blog posts adjacent to the challenge recently was by someone who proposed the idea of imagining that you did everything exactly as you planned for the next year - food, exercise, eliminating bad habits, adding good habits, etc. Several people seemed to find this inspirational. Me, it just filled me with anxiety. I'm self-aware enough that I know I can't do everything 'perfectly' (whatever that means) for a year, no way, not happening. And it's not because I don't believe in myself or whatever. It's because I know that stuff happens, and I've spent too many years doing things I hated and ignoring my own body and wishes and I just don't want to do that anymore.

It seems like with weight loss and exercise especially, the typical mode is this all-or-nothing "you can conquer" stuff which apparently appeals to a lot of people, or they wouldn't keep doing it. But it just turns me off, because it seems like it's intentionally - maybe not dishonest, but certainly conveniently facile - and ignores a lot of actual reality.

I'm not sure what I'm getting at with this rambling screed, but I'd be interested to hear from anyone who still exercises but doesn't go in for the "rah rah" change your life stuff. Or how your personality affects how you approach eating better and getting exercise, or anything else you want to add or subtract to your life.