I seem to be my own body type. I had 5 kids in 5 years, giving me a diastasis recti of 4" wide and 3" deep. Translation: My abdominal muscles have separated that wide and that deep. Which means that no matter how much weight I lose, cashiers will always ask me when I'm due.
I've lost 50 pounds, but it seems to have mostly come off of my extremities. So I have this teeeeeny butt, legs, and arms. Breastfeeding breasts, and constantly look like I'm pregnant. I still have a fair bit of padding all the way around my middle, but I'm not really apple since most of my shape protrudes directly in front of me. Still, I'm probably more apple than anything else. But I don't see a body shape that only sticks out the front, so how can I be a combo?

I don't know what to do with this!