So cool! I've only ever seen them from afar....

Very cool!

*cues Northern Exposure theme song*

That is SOOOOOO cool !!!!!! Thank you for posting ! My kids and I loved it.

Were you around when the moose made it's way to Newton and then Boston via the green line ? We were on pins and needles for a couple of days as the T came to a stop and the moose-hunt was on .

Moose on the loose.

I want one.

Awesome! How National Geographic!

ETA: Your title would be an awesome chorus line for a hip hop song...

Moose in da hood
I saw a Moose in da hood,
Moose o! Moose o! Moose in da hood

Majestic delicious creatures!!!!!!!!

I love meeses to pieces!

I would be in awe. Thanks for the photos.

Wow. That is awesome!

While we don't have chance encounters with moose, deer sightings are common, and every once in a while we'll spot a cougar.

OMG! I LOVE me my mooseses! Thanks for sharing! We saw a moose once and I'll never forget it

I'm tempted to make some geeky "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" moose jokes but I'm not sure anyone would get it!

Cool pictures! The one and only time I was in Alaska I wanted to see a moose so bad and everyone said we should see one at some point or another but we never did.