Have any of you dealt with acne long into adulthood? I'm not talking occasional pimples, I mean moderate to severe breakouts. My lower cheeks and jawline are covered in new cysts and healing scars.

I've spent 20+ years struggling with my sensitive, excessively oily skin. In the past 3 months, while I dealt with incredible anxiety and depression and was put on a new cocktail of meds, I've had deep, daily cysts forming around my jawline (pointing towards hormonal causes.) I'm sure stress has played a part as well.

I've been on oral contraceptives for over 15 years due to acne. I'm much worse without them. I have a couple of the possible but not severe symptoms that could point to PCOS but I'd have to get off the birth control to know for sure.

I've recently been put on spironolactone as well to try to combat the cystic acne. It can take a few months to work. I still need to baby my skin with gentle products as I am also sensitive and prone to eczema when irritated or dry. For topical treatments I use tea tree oil or an Aveda clay masque on the new spots, and they dry up a little bit overnight. These are not topically caused breakouts and they pop up deep, large, painful, and fast; I've not had such severe cystic acne like this since I a teenager.

I use very gentle, oil/scent free makeup and cleanser. My doctor and I do not suspect a topical product irritation or allergy to be the cause because my acne tends to be quite different/not cystic when a topical item is the culprit.

Have any of you been through this long past your teens? Any words of advice?