There are some sites predicting that orange will be 'in' for SS2015, and indeed there was quite a bit of it in the shows presented. I'm not so sure about it though. Whenever I see this sort of orange --

-- what comes to mind is gruesome so-called "IS" beheadings of (mainly) my fellow countrymen. To put it mildly, orange is not a colour I want to be wearing in SS2015.

Am I mad to think that fashion might be influenced by such horrors?

To be fair, orange was never one of my preferred colours, but I did buy some orange items when it seemed very current, and I did enjoy wearing them, much to my friends' surprise.

Do YOU ever develop an aversion to a (potential) fashion trend for a reason not connected with fashion?

Or to take this into a more positive direction, have you ever developed a positive desire for a trend because it has positive associations for you?
