This should be my last post in OT section - in October at least

I've mentioned in my other thread that a few things were fighting for my time and energy lately, hence the lack of participation here. It's odd though - staying away from YLF while I know it's one sure way to unwind... Anyway, time to share the no.2 on the list - and I'll stop here, the others have been somewhat tamed in the meantime. I am now back on the job marked and actively search for the suitable position. Going back to work was the next big thing after we move and relatively settle in the new house, but things have happened much faster than I could have predicted. Which is good, it had spurred me into action much faster than was the initial tempo I've been progressing at since September. A friend had notified me about an interesting position in his former team and I've submitted my application for it last night.

Making this first step after over 2 years feels huge and I am very relieved I got the ball rolling. Unless fluency in local language presents a big barrier and is absolutely mandatory (English is official language at the company in question), I hope for the interview at least.

I've been lucky enough to be able to wait until the time is right of me to go back to work and I am very, very grateful for that. I am also excited about the idea of working again. My only other break before was when I was on maternity leave, after which I was back to the position, team and project that was waiting for me. Right now (or, when things happen) everything will be as new as it can be - and I'm ready for it.

Oh, and I'll hopefully need some new wardrobe too

Have you had career breaks? How did you feel going back?