This is the Calvin Klein dress I mentioned in an earlier post a few weeks ago. I finally wore it out today, with tights and boots (not shown) and the Madewell moon phase necklace. I really like the dress--I think the popover feature is unique and flattering on me since it adds bulk to my upper half to balance out my bottom. Also, it's quite warm--I was able to walk home tonight (45 minutes walk) in 30 deg F weather with just this dress and a wool coat (no puffer).

Also, I'd like to thank Beth Ann for her tip about wearing slips under sweater dresses! It really helped smooth out the pink Eliza J dress and also with this one. I wore a half slip today and waiting for a full slip to arrive--the one I initially ordered is too long.

Also, any reason why an all acrylic dress like this says "dry clean"? I'm hoping to machine wash it.

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