The appointment was productive, I think. Then again, I'm just getting started.

First, she highly recommends acupuncture (problem is that it's $75 per visit & not covered by insurance; my DH & I are putting our kids through college, and our oldest DD is facing jaw surgery in January 2016) and swimming (I'm a very poor swimmer and dislike being in a cold swimming pool).

Secondly, she wants me to go on a 30-day elimination diet. That will begin after my vacation in May, of course. No sense in starting something I can't stick with until I get back. It's a long list, but won't be too difficult for me I don't think, simply because most of what I'm supposed to avoid are things I don't eat in the first place. The challenges for me will be black tea, dairy (I only eat plain nonfat Greek yogurt, though, so no real biggie there), gluten, and nightshades. Of the nightshades, tomatoes and peppers will be a little difficult. Since I already love sweet potatoes, doing without white potatoes won't be bad. Mushrooms will be missed, but again, doable. I'm lucky that I already eat 99% of the listed foods I'm allowed to have. The idea, of course, is to find out if anything exacerbates my pain.

Lastly, she recommended EuroMedica Curaphen Extra Strength. It set me back $45 for 60 tablets, so it's not an inexpensive supplement. I'm going to try it, though.