Modern Casual Chic: a style change for me

Please forbear with a long post. I am processing what I wonder is either a recent style shift or maybe just a deeper understanding of my style. I noticed a couple posts on the forum referencing the same about style change.

So here's something I just observed this week. I have been thinking hard about what to wear for day trips this upcoming summer. I don't like super casual looks. They always look either sloppy, frumpy, or tomboy to my eye.

However, lately it seems lately I am subconsciously making purchases and outfits based on this. It is ending up more casual and carefree, something I haven't experienced since childhood. And... So far I'm really please!! It still feels like "me" while not being so glam I can't travel for hours in a car wearing it or worrying about a piece of hair being out of place.

However it's also difficult. I am afraid of losing the very luxurious and glam
side of me.

For instance, I used to wear winged liner, red lipstick, and have every pencil skirt and heeled outfit in perfect place--as if It was 1955 and I was on my way to the Tropicana Club every single day. I worked very hard to make sure everything was polished from perfectly coiffed hair to high heels.

Last spring I visited LA and realized how effortlessly casual everyone was. It spoke to my heart. When summer arrived, I started going on day trips to see local wilderness sights. I relaxed more, got a tan, wore cutoff denim shorts, and didn't look back. Then late last year I discovered YLF and the theme of making fashion fun was so refreshing that I couldn't get over it! (Even after a failed attempt at s seasonal wardrobe capsule. )

This new year for the first time, I find myself wearing softer and more natural makeup. I use powder eyeshadow for liner and blend it a bit Lips get a soft mauve or rose lipgloss. I brush out my curls or carefully do a blowout for soft "bedhead" hair.

My closet is changing. I find myself
Choosing fluid fit bottoms and softer blousy tops. I am wearing flats again!! Everything about Sophia Loren 1960s and 1970's style and Brigitte Bardot's 1960s style catches my eye. DVF causes elation. Miss Phrynie Fisher's 1920s ensembles make me swoon. I still love exotic and glam, but everything I choose seems to be less formal, more effortless.

And I have orphaned shoe guilt!! I have 2 pairs of gorgeous platform heels. They are very classy and slightly retro ladylike. (I could see Catherine ZJ wearing them.) I bought them on clearance, and wore them frequently. And now... I feel awkward wearing them and yet don't want to let go of them. Strangely enough, I will still wear my stiletto Oxford brogues without batting an eye. Or my 4" espadrille wedge. But I slip on those patent leather platform heels and immediately feel uncomfortable and question my outfit.

I am probably processing this all far, far too much. I'm sorry none of this succinct. I know it's just clothes!! I have always felt a bit boxed in by certain fashion style descriptors or "types" and taken it all so seriously. And now as I go with the clothes that give me joy, and have fun with fashion (and life!) the sense of freedom I feel
is both wonderful and scary. Walking into my closet these past couple months with confidence and happiness is foreign.

I'll stop now. Sorry for the giant philosophical closet purge of heart and mind. Perhaps I am mourning a sartorial period of my life as I grow and move on. Or perhaps I'm just getting back in touch with my real style joys.

Anyone else go through this or am I just being nutso about it?
