She is asking for my help, but we're still in the "beginning" stages of our friendship, so I don't feel like I can just say, "Oh girl, this is hideous, get rid of it." You know?

Her style is very tennis shoes, jeans, and a t-shirt. I never brought up anything about her style because I figured she was happy with her look, and it would be rude of me to bring it up since she wasn't asking for my opinion. But now she says she wants to be a little more dressy to work so people will respect her more, and maybe she can move up the ranks. Her dress code is super casual.

How do I go about helping her find her own smart casual style? I don't want to force my style onto her, and I'm not sure she really knows what she likes since she seems to not ever go clothes shopping (she's sort of a tomboy). I was thinking maybe cleaning out her closet is the first step, but after that?