I wanted to thank everyone for all the responses on my threads. I have really loved reading all the helpful responses here to my post and others. I'm learning way more than I ever thought there was to know about dressing myself, and am feeling very optimistic.

As planned I purged about 100 items last week. I donated a couple bags, and posted all the rest of them on FSOT groups on Facebook. I have only sold a few items so far but am still working on it and have made about $100 in a week which makes me happy ($100 goes a long way in my budget, even better most of my items were thrifted so are bringing in a profit).

I also purchased another pack of velvet hangers, giving me enough to use for all my clothes, and organized by color. I cataloged all of my shirts and dresses and most of my pants and skirts into Stylebook. I am still adding a few but the bulk is in there. As I hoped, I am enjoying "playing" in the closet app in the evenings as a sort of lazy sleep-inducing hobby. I do feel somewhat less driven to go shopping but it's still a favorite pass time so that's always going to be an issue.

Laundry has been easier, my closet has stayed cleaner and getting dressed over the last week has been so much easier. I still have so far to go as far as dressing as nicely as I'd prefer, but progress has been made. I'm in the middle of trying to re-work our entire system at home before the school year starts, so I am organizing, purging and putting daily rhythms in place that will hopefully smooth our schedule. I'm adopting new habit of daily cleaning to keep deep cleaning to a minimum. It's so nice to have this time over the summer.

This past week I worked on wearing nicer shorts outfits, and that went OK. The heat has been horrible so I've tried to elevate the looks from "teenager at summer camp". I still don't get great WIW shots but I'm trying to take them now.

July goals: (Can it be July? Impossible!)
1) WIW photos for each day (or at least 5 a week)
2) Practice adding a 3rd piece.
3) Recreate 10 summer outfits in stylebook using my inspirations from pinned outfits.
4) Make a list of ISO items so that shopping becomes less of a deal-hungry free-for-all.
5) Continue selling my items to free up money for the above "ISO" items.

Like I said, thank you for all your help! I'm sure I will need much more! I'm feeling pretty happy about where this is going though!