I was asking about the age appropriateness of a couple of new dresses and it sparked a potential conversation starter about what it means to look our age.
Since turning 35 or so, I receive what I think is intended as a compliment, fairly regularly, when I'm told that I don't look old enough to have kids my kid's age.
I just turned 40, and my oldest is 17. So, I was 23 when I had her. Not crazy young.
I feel pretty confident that I have all the physical markers of a 40 year old woman. If asked to guess my age, most people peg me right on, or at most a friendly couple of years younger.

So, it brings about a question for me. What is it with this comment about not looking old enough to ...
The first few times it happened, I thought it was just a person fishing to give a compliment. Part of the oddness here is that I don't really see it as a compliment. I'm this age, and I'm happy with that. I'm not interested in having lived less years.
I also wonder if it's some sort of a slight, especially when I hear it in work situations. Does the "not old enough to..." comment carry with it some sort of subtext about maturity, or competency?

I also tend to be a rather chipper and smiley person. I've wondered if this is the opposite problem to resting bitch face?

If this sort of overanalyzing bores you to tears, my apologies. But for any of you who like to dig into this sort of commentary, what are your thoughts?