Awwww, that's a nice sentiment to start the day! Hugs back at you, Una!

I am late to this party but I smash glasses with you and share in the group love!!

Also share in the dress love. It is perfect for you.

I'm late too, so I'm clinking my tea mug with you. I know just how you feel. There is no one around me who cares to go quite as in-depth on the subject of clothing as you all do (that is the understatement of the century). My life has truly been enriched by YLF.

More late hugs to everyone!

Yes to everything the ladies before me said.

Thanks, I needed a hug!

I am so glad you expressed so well what I feel..thankful for having a place to study fashion and respond...YLF presents all manner of wonderful fashion information that for me is never boring or warmed over....I simply enjoy being able to be a part of this group...
I'll have extra salt with my next