Spinning off gradfash's millinery post, but with more of a question about what are good hat styles.

I wear sunscreen, but on some trips I find I'm out in sun sightseeing more than expected and I feel a hat would be good.
Probably I have a couple of basic hat situations, since so far they are more practical than for " the races" --one would be grunge- gardening- fishing- hiking. Another might be the big straw hat for just sitting at beach or pool ( haha, to dream!).

The other,which is current subject, would be " sporty but nice" , so should be streamlined, not too wacky, and maybe does not have to be totally sun proofing, but a help.

I love the idea of a hat but find them hard to find, as seems common from the earlier post. I hate to just wear a bucket hat. I also have the tiny head issue.

I'm wondering if it's best to just stay ckassic-minimal, with a visor or ball cap that's a good color ( including neutrals). Generally it would need to look un- fussy for typical vacation garb, What styles work without looking like the Hat Lady-- or is it just very person/ head specific?