I'm on here to figure out my body type since most of the body type calculators I've tried say I'm a pear, but that doesn't fit with my wide shoulders. My shoulders measure 39", my bust is 32", waist 27", hips 37". I wear a 32A bra. The widest part of my hip is much lower than my waist and most of my hip measurement is on my backside. I do have a noticeable difference between my waist and hips when I wear fitted clothes in all the same color, but my shoulders are noticeably wider than my hips. When I measure just my outline I'm 17-1/2" across at the shoulder, 11-1/2" across at the bust, 9-1/2" at the waist, 14-1/4 hip. My best guess is that my overall shape is inverted triangle with pear tendancies. I'm not busty like an inverted triangle, but I am curvier through my hips than across my bust and have the long waist of a typical pear, though since I am tall and thin, I would never call my hips or thighs heavy (I have a thigh gap). Sometimes pants for my size don't have enough butt for me to fit into or are cut too large at the waist, leaving a big gap at my low back. Would love feedback. Thank you!