I popped into the gym six times this week to do my daily squat and bench. Since my new program doesn't really have much deadlifting, lest it inferefere with one's squats, I've neglected it considerably. Yesterday, I was able to pull 255lb without much issue, but the 275lb attempt was ugly and very lopsided, and I put the bar down halfway up through the pull.

Notable highlights of the week include: squatting 190lb on two occasions; benching 140lb again, this time on a bench where it's difficult for me to unrack the bar because the pegs are too high for my arms; and managing a set of 5 pull-ups (not to failure), even though I'm not training them.

Food was on point. I'm enjoying tuna salad on brown cakes, which sounds hopelessly "diety," but is really a satisfying evening snack.

How was your week?