Last night I attended a fascinating lecture on artist Georgia O’Keefe’s wardrobe. O’Keefe was impressively consistent in her style from her teenage years to her death, preferring tidy, simplified silhouettes that created a roundness to the body. She favored v-necks in particular and often accentuated the neckline with white. Interestingly, a close examination of her portraits and her clothing reveals that her “uniform” changed and kept pace with fashion trends and adapted to her physical environment. I found myself thinking of many of the discussions here on the forum regarding defining personal style, updating essentials with modern pieces, and dressing for our
environments. Another interesting point from the lecture was that O’Keefe wore completely different clothes during her time in New York and New Mexico yet remained true to her style aesthetic. If you had the opportunity to spend a few months each year in an place opposite to your current environment in terms of climate and formality of dress, how would you change your look while remaining true to your personal style?