Ouch that sounds painful!!!! It's not illegal in the Uk but it isn't recommended by the driving agencies. My car footwell is full of little bits of grit which never fully go away even after vacuming, I think I'll stick with driving in old shoes x

Hi...I have had problems with scratch and dirt marks on my heels while driving since FOREVER and finally found an AMAZING car mat on EBay under Sav Ur Heels. I absolutely LOVE it...comes in lots of colors and patterns...is soooo cute...and REALLY works...check it out!

This is a fascinating thread.

First, thanks Louise for the BBC video. Very interesting. I've driven in all kinds of shoes, and I've never noticed that my reaction times are slower in wellies, flip flops or wedges (although I only have the one pair of wedges and they're not terribly high). However, there was one time I did feel uncomfortable, and that was in 4" stiletto heels. I only drove in them that once, and it felt unsafe. Now I swap them out for old shoes if I need to drive.

I notice they didn't mention driving in downhill ski boots. There should be a law against that! I've seen people do it many a time, and it freaks me out a little.

I just ran upstairs to check the heels and toes of my shoes. I drive a lot, and I don't notice any suspicious scuffing on any of my shoes. I've literally never given it a though before. Sihaya, where are your shoes scuffed from driving? Is the pedal foot more or less scuffed than the foot that just sits there?

Also I loved your "hair on fire" description of your morning routine. The last ten minutes of mine, trying to get the kids out the door, are exactly the same!