I have 3 long haired daughters and long hair myself. Hairbrushes are a sought after item in our house and despite purchasing quite a few, they often go missing.

I secretly bought two small ones of my own use (one for the handbag, one for the gym bag) but they have gone into general use/been lost since our recent trip disrupted everything. As has one replacement bought since then.

My sister suggested chaining them up and I am seriously considering it! (Maybe not chain itself but some other sort of fastening)

I reckon two in their bathroom attached to the bath rack and one more in the car attached somehow to the central console (because they are often finishing off their hair in the car).

What do you think? Have you ever tried anything like this?

(Preemptive strike - I know some of you will be grossed out that we share hairbrushes, but changing that is just too hard. We don't share toothbrushes or cutlery!)