This is more of an etiquette question than a shopping question, I guess, but today I stopped by a department store and there was a woman there who was on her mobile phone having a conversation the entire time she was shopping. She even kept talking while we were both in the fitting rooms trying on things. Obviously I couldn't help but overhear her side of things, and it was not anything urgent or emergency related; she was just having a chat with a friend. I was trying to stay away from where she was, but given the browsing we were both doing, we kept crossing paths and she had been talking for at least 10-15 minutes when I finally made my escape from the store.

I have been increasingly noticing people doing this - not just quick mobile phone check ins in public places, which are understandably here to stay, but long non urgent discussions. Am I weird for finding this annoying? People tend to talk louder on the phone than they do to a person next to them, and it seems harder to tune out a one-sided conversation. Leaving aside issues of privacy (I have overheard some really personal things in the coffeehouse and in the grocery store!) it just seems like an odd way to divide your attention, and super distracting for those who are around you.

Does this happen in your area? Do you do it yourself? Should I just sigh and get used to it?