Dear YLF,

Chiming in quickly to say I am going through unplanned abstinence from YLF due to technical difficulties. My laptop is quite old and painfully slow to use most of the time, so I use it simply for for bare necessities (I hear you, YLF *is* a necessity, but I'm not even starting browser unless necessary, it is that bad).

This also means I will not be able to organise Secret Santa this year despite my best will to continue doing so. If you played before, you know it's a fun, heartwarming game and great experience in bringing us all closer. If you want to play and are willing to organise the game, please let the others know. I used to get the ball rolling on 1st October and in my experience it was not too early to start thinking about it, in fact it was the right time.

My old threads will hopefully be of use (just search by keywords Secret Santa 2014 or 2013, e.g. one link is here). I'll be happy to join as a player.

Have fun and stay fab.
