No, it did not happen, thankfully! DS is gone for a month, and as you know, we just recently avoided a wildfire spreading to our neighborhood which prompted me to pack up and move our photo albums, documents, jewelry and a few of my most prized possessions. (At least 3 friends demanded "What about your boot collection?!") There were surprisingly few material possessions I felt desperate enough to save - unless pets count, of course. I also joked with DH that there were a few items I'd like to burn...mostly his.

Anyway, we've been meaning to redo DS's room and clean out the garage, and I decided to apply a new standard of "what would I care about if the house burned down?" We spend the entire weekend sorting through stuff and doing a thorough cleanse (mice apparently have been cavorting in the garage, so our older cat will be residing there for a few days now that it's safe for her).

It's been eye-opening. We've kept all the stuff we need, of course, but all that extra "just in case" or "maybe it will fit" gear, like polypro and brown Gore-Tex from the early 90s, disintegrating Sorels, old electronics - what does that cord go to, anyway?! - can go away. There are plenty of people who can still use it, but visitors will have to fend for themselves. I've got stuff to donate, stuff to sell on Craigslist, stuff to give to friends with younger kids (lifevest, bike helmets, etc.) and stuff that is going to the dump.

Anyone have a similar catharsis? I'm planning to tackle each room in the house, one at a time, and hope this method will continue to hold up.