I'm wondering if someone can help me figure out my body type. I know pictures are helpful, but I don't have access to that right at this moment so I will try my best to describe my body.

My bust is 36", my waist is 30", and my hips are 36". I've always thought I was a rectangle (hence, the larger waist) or an inverted triangle (since my bust is a bit larger and my hips/butt are smaller). I'm 5 feet tall and weight about 105-110 lbs. Most of my fat tends to gather towards my torso so that's why I think my waist is a bit larger. I have a shorter torso and longer legs, but my legs are quite small because none of my fat goes there. I don't look fat in clothing, but because I have a shorter torso and all my fat tends to gather there, I feel that my torso gives my body more of a rectangle shape. I also have somewhat broad shoulders and a smaller butt. Even though I said most of my fat goes towards my torso, I almost can't gain weight, but my torso still holds the most amount of fat. My arms are fairly skinny as well, but toned and I do have some muscle in the bicep area. I find that when I stand or sit up straighter and correct my posture, my torso looks a little longer (duh :P) and sort of improves my rectangular shape, but not by much.

I'm not really sure what else to include so if you have any questions please ask!

I'm also asking this because I'm looking for a bathing suit for the summer and I would like to know what looks best with my body type







These are the best pictures I could get. What do you think?