We're on the last day of August and it's time for an update.

My challenge was simple - Wear What You Love. And I did!

However, I did have some specific goals. Here is how they went:

(1) Accessorize more.

This went rather well. Scarves continue to be my favourite third piece, right alongside long necklaces.

(2) Wear button down shirts more.

This did not happen as planned. I did wear some shirts, not all. The biggest reason was weather....it's still too hot and humid for button downs. In fact, I might take this up in October, as that's the ideal weather for shirts.

(3) Simplify my outfits and play around with mixing one dressy piece with one casual one.

I was successful with this. I did simplify my outfits, though I didn't always wear a dressy piece. A casual top and button was often 'dressed up' with a scarf....and that felt just right.

(4) Experiment with layering.

The denim vest spurred this and I enjoyed wearing the vest some more I also wore tank tops with a light cotton cardi over a few times. Felt just 'right'.

(5) I WILL NOT buy any more handbags.

My husband traveled to London in August and brought back a handbag as a gift. I mentioned:
"The only time I will be open to buying a new bag will be when I travel, as I like to collect them as souvenirs…but then I’ll have a strict one in-one out policy."

This bag fell into this category, so it was acceptable. I have removed two bags from my closet this month. I bought a bag yesterday while shopping with my mom (a big time HEWI) but again, I was traveling. And I did remove one more bag from my wardrobe today to make space for the new one.

So that's the full update on August. I was fairly happy with all my outfits. I think I did well.

I have a very simple challenge for September, but one that I think will NOT always be easy. I'll write about that in a different post!