Hi Ladies,

I have watched with great interest Austerity August and applaud all who participated:)

I love shopping! And I love the thrill of that new little something:). But my wardrobe is really in good shape, even as we head into the coming season, ALL I NEED is a slip. I don't really have needs, just wants. I have slowly been moving closer to, and applying the quality over quantity principal but I still have a way to go.

My goal is to stop the spontaneous purchases that eat into my budget, and start saving my clothing money in order to purchase the quality "wants" on my wishlist. I have definitely become a more discerning and measured shopper but self discipline is still a challenge.

So, I am sharing this purely for accountablilty and if anyone is feeling the same perhaps we can support each other. I'm taking baby steps and am endeavoring to not buy clothes for the month of September. If I go well, I may see if I can make it through November as well:).

This is going to be a challenge for me, and I thank you in advance for your support.
