At least in terms of comparing ourselves to others?

This past weekend I was at a tango performance, having been asked to take pictures.

One of the women (there were four couples--all professional dancers and teachers) came out particularly gorgeous. I mean, her cheekbones, her proportions, in the pics she was stunning and radiant. The other women were attractive and I caught the beauty of their moves, but this woman was luminous.

And in real life I take weekly classes with this woman (who is a lovely person). She is very slight and her build is straight and she's extremely slender (healthy, though). She would not attract undue attention in real life. But put her in a dress and place a lens on her, and she becomes the universal ideal woman. It was fascinating to see.

In part of me realized that against these images, the rest of the 98% of us could not compete. To look that great in a pic, by these accepted standards...well, it makes sense that these supermodels are really really really tall,and hardly weigh anything. The rest of us--we are not going to present those lines.

I'm not sure how much it's helped me, lol. But it does make me think.