Hi everyone

I hope this doesn't seem weird. I am blind, I lost my sight in 1998, it's ancient history, don't worry about it, not a big deal etc. I live in the southeastern UK and work as a musician. A really good and long term friend of mine said today that my boots were "really 90s." She meant it as a compliment but it made me think. I've tried not to end up in a time warp, and I don't want to dress too young. I was 19 in 1998 and that tells you how old I am now. I am lucky enough to get asked for ID when I buy alcohol even now, but I suspect that is because I am five foot one. Tiny person alert.

Work is very casual, but it helps if you turn up looking together. Sort of professionally casual. I am desperate not to look look weird or disabled as you can imagine. I had sight for 19 years and I know what a lot of disabled people look like. Obviously it's the last thing you want especially when you are self employed and people need to think "oh she's a reasonably together human being". But I can't keep wearing skate sneakers and baggy cargo pants forever. I keep getting compared to Avril Lavigne which I guess is sort of a back handed compliment!

Sorry if this just seems like venting. You are probably thinking "why doesn't she just ask her friends" and I do, I just don't want to become a pain. I thought maybe here would be a good place to discuss it. Hope that's okay and I'm not a pain!
