Lilypup update: she seems a little exhausted today... she has become one with the cone and now is going about slamming it into everything, lol. Not to get it off, mind. She just refuses to accommodate in any way. I thought she was going to decapitate me in her efforts to lick me this evening. Hahaha!

Awe, how long does lily pup have to wear the cone?

She is so little.

The 7 has good quality pictures.

Awe poor thing. I remember when when my cat frisky was overweight. The vet said I had to put her on.a diet and give her exercise.

Well I tried making her climb 14 stairs by keeping her food in a different place.

Poor think looked like she was going to fall out.

So we started taking to steps at a time. She would climb 2 steps and fall out with her head in the food bowl. Then she would take her paw and eat the food with her head still in the bowl.

I told her we were both so lazy. She just looked at me.

Oh no, lol. That would be me - climb two stairs, fall with my head in the bowl, and eat while lying there. I approve.

ledonna...that should be a youtube video.