Every year YLF forum members discuss the challenges associated with looking their best during Summer. From not wanting to wear sleeveless items or blouses that require a camisole, to limp or frizzy hair, arctic air conditioning, unwelcome perspiration stains, and resorting to less flattering, unstructured clothing just to stay cool. For many, the cooler temperatures of Autumn can’t come soon enough. And that’s not just because the heat can be awfully unpleasant, but because wearing Autumn clothing tends to make their style feel more pulled together.

My biggest personal Summer style challenge is about combatting arctic air conditioning, which makes me layer and cover up to feel comfortable indoors. As a result I’m often dressed too warmly for outdoors, which I’ve decided is just the way it is. I would rather be too warm outside than too cold inside. Luckily, I have a high heat threshold, so it’s not too bad. 

Living in Seattle, I usually complain about how few days of Summer there are in a year. But not this year! We continue to enjoy an absolutely beautiful Summer with temperatures between 78 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit (25 to 32 degrees Celsius) without too much humidity. I am LOVING leaving off my topper and wearing two pieces plus a camisole. I try to stay out of air conditioning so that I don’t need the extra layer. So while most women are waiting to add the third piece — like a blazer — back into their outfits, I’m rejoicing the novelty of two-piece dressing.

My retail challenge in the Summer months is that the merchandise is overly “beach, pool and casual vacation” focused when I’m shopping with clients from June through August. There are far fewer fabulous career wear options for warmer weather at this time of year. My clients do well at the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale in July, but it’s Fall and Winter career wear as opposed to Summer weight business casual/formal separates. So each year I hope to see a wider assortment of appropriate warm weather career wear in stores during the Summer.

Over to you. What are your Summer style challenges and have you overcome them? If not, we’ll find solutions for them together.