Accessories are still the fastest, cheapest and most effective way to accomplish a stylish and current appearance. Choose them wisely and your style quotient sky rockets. Leave them out and you’re not realizing your true stylish potential. I often spend time in accessory departments, discovering new ways to update my style and the styles of my clients. It’s always a fun and interesting process.

Some accessories are closer to my heart than others. So here are my top five accessory categories, a list that has been constant for the last ten years:

  1. Handbags
  2. Chunky pearl necklaces
  3. Scarves
  4. Spectacles
  5. Watches

I also love belts, barrettes and brooches but there was only room for five on my list. I used to love cocktail rings, but lost interest after finding the perfect pearl ring that became the only ring I want to wear other than my wedding band. I do not wear earrings or sunglasses and hardly wear bracelets (I do admire them on others though). Hair accessories and hats are fun, but my short crop does not do the look justice.

Over to you. Rank your favourite accessories one through five. I’m very interested to see the range of your responses.